Photo "Eye Of Want" Copyright © Paolo Campisi, Sicilian Family Productions,
All Rights Reserved
Fire, a chemical action of life.
These are my flames, the ocean in the air.
Swiftly is plucked the feather from the pheasant's tail,
Torn between the devil and the deep blue sea.
Quickness finds the day, the morning,
turning up the sun, the sun climbs through the crack of the window,
illuminating a face, catching an eye.
Waking from the dream starts a full revelation,
Expanding, pounding, curdling, lashing,
of rushing blood through the veins,
pulsing rhythmic-like strides.
Rainbow sunset, sky of silken milky mist,
expanding , twisting, leaping forward,
painting the sides of day.
Communion chimes of sanity ring out,
once afar, native twice,
three times awaiting,
in this waking dream.
Snapping rope to the last string,
freezing cold how it stings,
shoot for what does not belong will not be seen.
As the eyes of want must surely be blind.
P. J. Campise